Although clinical evidence does not point out the significance of raw almonds in treating and preventing cancer, several studies have claimed to support the same. Given below are 5 such theories put forward by these studies which claim that raw almonds can indeed cure and prevent cancer, mainly due to certain nutrients found in them.
Studies have revealed that bitter almonds contain a nutrient called amygdalin, which according to several anecdotal stories, is a natural form of the semi-synthetic cancer fighting treatment Laetrile. The nutrient can be found inside the kernel of raw almonds and is touted to kill cancerous cells and prevent them from spreading, thereby offering an effective cure for cancer.
Raw almonds are rich sources of fiber which help to keep the digestive tract as well as the colon, healthy. As such, regular intake of raw almonds would help keep conditions like colon cancer at bay. Studies have also revealed the direct correlation of a high fiber diet with reduced risks of colon cancer in individuals.
The dark skin of a raw almond contains high amounts of phytochemicals which are actually used by plants to keep off pests and other harmful organisms. These natural compounds can effectively fight off cancerous cells in the body, and have found to be very effective in treating brain tumors in addition to preventing them from multiplying and spreading.
Vitamin E
Raw almonds are rich sources of Vitamin E which can effectively reduce the risks of contracting prostate and breast cancer. The Vitamin E in almonds come from an agent called alpha-tocopherol which is known to fight of cancer inducing cells effectively. Hence, an ounce of raw almonds a day can benefit the body in more ways than one.
Raw almonds are also excellent natural sources of melatonin, a substance known to reduce the excess estrogen production within the breast by inhibiting the aromatase activity. This in turn would reduce the risks of breast cancer in women to a great extent. The high antioxidant properties of raw almonds also help fight off cancer inducing cells in the breast, thereby treating breast cancer and preventing recurrences.
All of these points reiterate the fact that almonds can be beneficial in treating different forms of cancer in the body. Therefore, it is considered wise for an individual to include raw almonds in his/her daily diet. Note: Opt only for bitter almonds as raw almonds do not contain enough of these nutrients to treat/prevent cancer.